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The Psychotherapy & Psychiatry Research Lab
Friedlander, A., Tzur Bitan, D., & Lichtenberg, P. (2022). The Soteria model: implementing an alternative to acute psychiatric hospitalization in Israel. Psychosis, 14(2), 99-108. Read More
Friedlander, A., Sinai, D., Zilcha-Mano, S., Weisser, M., Caspi, A., Lichtenberg, P., Tzur Bitan, D. (Under review). The formation and development of the working alliance in psychiatric hospitalization alternatives: An open comparative study. Psychiatric Services.
Lichtenberg, P., Friedlander, A., Bergman Levy, T., Susser, E., Yoffe, R., Budowski, D, Kodesh, A., Tzur Bitan, D., & Weiser, M. (in press). Preliminary Findings of the Effect of Short Term Acute Residential Treatment on Psychiatric Rehospitalization. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.
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